Here comes the review of the second installment of this super action packed entertainment. The sequel to the first book, the Hunger Games, continues with the story of Katniss Everdeen, who was chosen as a contestant for the 74th deathly game played in the capital of Panem. After winning the game along with Peeta, she returns back to her home in District 12.
They start their victory tour across the country, where she realizes, she has inspired a rebellion and uprising against the capitol and President Snow in other poor districts because of her bold stunt during the game. To take revenge on her, President Snow announces that for the 75th Hunger Games, twenty-four victors from previous years will be forced to compete once again in an event known as "Quarter-Quell".
This book brings an interesting twist to the plot and much darker turn of events.
Don't want to give away the spoilers, so would just like to let you all know that I have absolutely enjoyed reading this book. With the subtle act of intelligent writing, Suzanne Collins has again bewitched us all to keep reading this innovative saga.
If you all want to know whether Katniss is going to outsmart the judges of the Hunger Games or is going to die in the process, please read this exhilarating book.
Will soon bring the review of the next and the last in line, Mockingjay.
Also, check out my review on the prequel to this book .. The Hunger Games.
Happy Reading!!!