Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Angels and Demons .. By Dan Brown

“Faith is universal. Our specific methods for understanding it are arbitrary. Some of us pray to Jesus, some of us go to Mecca, some of us study subatomic particles. In the end, we are all just searching for truth, that which is greater than ourselves.”

The best-seller mystery of 2000 is in my opinion, the best book by Dan Brown so far and the best mystery book ever sold on this planet. This is the novel that introduces the phenomenal character of Robert Langdon, the Howard Professor and symbologist, who is a genius problem-solver and is one of my favorite ever fictional character.

Religion will always remain a sensitive subject for the majority of readers out there and that is the reason till date, this is one of the most controversial books ever sold in the world. The constant battle that rages between religion and science here is what makes it all the more interesting and thought-provoking.

In this outstanding thriller, Dan Brown combines action with mystery, historical and scientific elements together to create a mind-boggling fast-paced adventure that you just cannot put down.

This time the gorgeous background belonged to the historic city of Rome and the Vatican. The description of the churches was especially mesmerizing which made me want to visit the city, even more, just to bear witness to the baffling architectures of Lorenzo Bernini and the legends of "The Illuminati", in person.

And when it comes to the book as a whole, it impacted my belief quite a bit. I remember when I first read it, it just changed my viewpoints on religion, God, and science and ever since then, I have tried not to have a closed mind when it comes to both - religion and science. They are not the opposite things, and just as Brown said in his book:

"Science and religion are not at odds.
Science is simply too young to understand."

And to conclude, I get why so many people dislike or even hate Dan Brown's books, but he was one of those writers who got me into reading in the first place. Until now, not one of his single books have ever disappointed me and I am pretty sure that none of them, yet to be written, will.

Happy Reading!!!